Know your Lore: Zayne Carrick
Since it was announced last weekend that Zayne Carrick would return in the KOTOR comics, we thought it would be time to do a “Know your lore” Piece on this interesting character. Many fans have speculated about Zayne’s future. If the Jedi Masters’ fears turn out to be accurate, there is a possibility that Zayne could become one of the characters from the Knights of the Old Republic games. In particular, many fans predict that Zayne may become the Jedi Exile. Others theorize that Zayne may be Darth Nihilus, judging by the “destroyer of worlds” prophecy. Non of these theories came through though, but we might see him or notes about him when the game comes out. Zayne Carrick was a young Padawan learner in the Jedi Order during the Mandalorian Wars who wielded a yellow lightsaber. He was brought to the Jedi Order when he was several years old, coming from a…